An artist and a gentleman of tomorrow, today.
JULY 2024

Nik Brovkin is a senior brand graphic designer and art director based in Montreal, Canada. Nik has a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering and taught himself graphic design over the breaks from school and part-time work. His deep well of curiosity and dedication sparked a design practice spanning nearly two decades.
        Nik’s no-nonsense approach to design is rooted in Dieter Rams’ “10 Commandments of Good Design.” Nik’s mission is to make good design accessible to all humans.
        Nik’s presence can be felt on a number of albums, concert posters, music videos, as well as ad campaigns, and branding for Montreal and US-based musicians and businesses alike.
In his spare time, Nik is an artist and a beatmaker and works on music under the moniker The Hamptons. He has an online art inventory with the purpose of making his art accessible to the world.
         As a beatmaker, Nik has contributed music to a project called Small Talk, as well as production for songs by Nomadic Massive and Gaya.
        He is currently finishing a new project with two of his long time friends and collaborators, and is looking to traditional modes of art, like writing and painting in order to limit his off-hours screen time.


KNLO • Dominique Fils-Aimé • Paul Cargnello • AIZA • NARCY • Pierre Kwenders • Sarah MK • Nate Husser • Kaytranada • Fredy V & The Foundation • Nomadic Massive • Meryem Saci • Troy Dunnit • Sophie Grenier • Jai Nitai Lotus • Karma • Sikh Knowledge • Specifics • Small Talk
©MMXXIV Over the BreaksRecent Work by Nik BrovkinAll rights reserved